Goals are the desired outcomes you want to achieve, while habits are the routines you develop to get there.
After reading the above statement, which do you think focusing on in the New Year's will yield better results? Goals? Habits?
We think the latter.
Need help reframing those 2025 goals? Here you go:
Lose 30 pounds.
Measure my daily protein intake. Go to the gym 3x/week. No phone 1 hour before bed. Reserve my CrossFit class for the week every Sunday. Text a buddy what classes I'm attending to hold each other accountable.
Save more money.
Do end of week spending reviews. Make a weekly grocery list. Quarterly "fun spending" planning. Check bank account daily.
PR my back squat.
Spend 10 min/day on mobility. Log daily calories. Bed by 9pm. Check in with a coach quarterly.
Stack those habits.
All the changes all at once is exactly what you DON'T want to do.
Do this instead: Set a few habits to work on each month, stack new habits on the old ones to compound the rate of change! So if you want to shed 30 pounds this year. Start with the easiest habit in January...lets say something like I want to eat protein with every meal.
Once that becomes easy add in a new habit like weighing that protein you've added to every meal and logging it on a food tracking app to hit your protein goal.
Layer another on that, maybe you will begin weighing carbs and logging that too! Before you know it, you're hitting those calorie goals daily without feeling overwhelmed.
Need help? Reach out and one of our coaches can help you reverse engineer that 2025 goal into a set of small habits!
Let's do this thing.